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What is the difference between a group and a work team?

5 min read
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Carlos Sainz Karting Team
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Within a company, it is necessary to group workers together effectively to achieve the desired objectives. We often confuse the terms “work group” and “work team” and use them synonymously when they are not. Discover the differences between the two concepts and decide which form of organization is best for your company.

What is the Difference between group and work team? In many work environments, this distinction is not clear, and both terms are used at the same time to refer to any group of employees who work together. However, group and team They mean two very different things within a company, specifically two forms of organization with our own dynamics, and knowing the differences between one concept and another will help us discover what we need in our company to be more effective and work under the best conditions.

Un workgroup is a group of people who carry out similar tasks within an organization. They have in common that all members work in the same field and they carry out their obligations individually. There are usually a single boss in command of the whole group and the hierarchy is very clear. As we have said, despite working in the same area, each member of the group is autonomous and develops their work individually, without directly depending on the rest. It is possible that within a group there may be irregular results because some meet their objectives and others do not, without some affecting others but affecting the group's consideration in general.

Los work teams are organized differently. Within a work team members have different abilities and they work interdependently to achieve a common goal. They cannot work individually because their tasks are closely linked to those of their colleagues, and they are forced to communicate with each other continuously. Las Hierarchies are much smaller because, although there may be a coordinator, each member of the team is the expert in their area and relates to others on an equal basis to advance the work. The team's result is valued globally, not by each member, because everyone contributes to a single goal.

Las differences between the group and the work team are remarkable. Regarding leadership, in the group it is individual and in the team it is shared. La cohesion is much more important in the team than in the group, because a working group can afford to have its members work independently, but the team needs constant coordination between all those involved. Normally, the objectives of a group are aligned with the general mission of the company, while a team can be formed within a company to address specific and new objectives. Whether in a team or in a group, you can use the Carlos Sainz event rooms within Madrid and Las Rozas for work meetings, conferences, team building activities and much more.

Build a good work team it is a costly task that requires a lot of intuition. What type of people should a computer have to work properly? It is not an exact science, but there are certain profiles that can contribute to the success of teamwork. In Forbes Some of them stand out, you need them on your team! :

  • Observer. A person who may go unnoticed but brings his critical capacity and audacity.
  • Perfectionist. He puts a lot of demands on himself and doesn't settle until he delivers an impeccable job.
  • Creative. Full of ideas and proposals, it finds new ways to solve problems.
  • Mediator. A person concerned about the well-being of the group, who is dedicated to smoothing things out when faced with a conflict.
  • Researcher. He gets excited about new projects, especially at the beginning, and he researches and immerses himself in new subjects with a lot of motivation.
  • Impeller. Similar to the leader, he is a dynamic and energetic profile that is very committed to each project.
  • Evaluator. It analyzes and evaluates the group's decisions and proposes improvements to continue growing.
  • Specialist. The most theoretical profile with very specialized knowledge on the topic being worked on.

Once we are clear What is the work team And what is the group, each company has to assess what is the best form of organization for them. The most common thing in medium or large companies is to combine teams and groups according to tasks and objectives. La Team management is very complex but there are skills that cannot be missing: the motivation, for example, to know how to lift your team in times of blockage and frustration. You can Learn how to encourage your employees or resort to Team building to give them positive reinforcement. La empathy it will also be necessary to put yourself in the shoes of your colleagues and to understand their needs perfectly. To be a person with communication skills, clear and transparent, will save you a lot of confusion in your daily life and know work under pressure it will allow you to make the best decisions with a cool head in times of tension, and to know how to guide your team with them.